317 - Inspecting the stage

Where's Dim Sum? #317 - Inspecting the stage

Dim Sum quietly listens as the two DJs discuss their music selections and upcoming shows on this same stage. Now, if she could only convince them to play cat music....

Gaia was the first to arrive and to chat me up because I'm a fellow feline. Then Nadja arrived to check out the stage. It turned out that they were both DJs who had shows that same morning, one after the other. So I got them to stand by the stage for a picture while they talked about music.

The "Ruthian Mural" was created by sylver.bu (Kinzart Kreetures).

  • gaiakitten (center), an indie musician/producer from the UK
  • nadja70186 (left), a DJ from Los Angeles, California
location: SL12B Dazzle

Technical notes

windlight: Fine Day (modified)

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